General Terms of Use of the website

1. Limitation of Liability:

This website was designed to provide general information about the Institute of e-commerce, regulation and informatics (hereinafter: IEPRI d.o.o.). The contents of the website are for informational purposes only. IEPRI d.o.o. assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information published or for any harm that may be caused to a user of this website as a result of using the information on the site. We reserve the right to refer users to other pages of the World Wide Web and take no responsibility for their content.
IEPRI d.o.o. will endeavor to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information by maintaining the content of the site, but we do not guarantee or accept responsibility for their accuracy and integrity. All users use the published content at their own risk. IEPRI d.o.o. reserves the right to modify, add or remove the website (in whole or in part) without notice, and accepts no liability for any consequences of such changes.

2. Copyright:

All information and images on this site are subject to copyright and other forms of intellectual property protection.
They may only be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, and any copyright or other copyright notices mentioned above must be maintained. On each reproduction (copying, reproduction, publication, transfer) the source should indicate IEPRI d.o.o.